michelledrielsma-sydney strength

Discover expert coaching at Sydney Strength & Conditioning. Michelle is an accredited exercise physiologist (ESSA), accredited exercise scientist (ESSA), level 2 strength & conditioning coach (ASCA), author, surfer, mover and groover.

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In Sydney.

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Surf S&C

For Surfers!

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Michelle is an experienced lifter, trainer, surfer, and mobility coach, and therefore has a plethora of experience across multiple categories based off of what you need. Her ability to create a program giving people what they need, instead of what they want, is done incredibly well. She teaches posture, mobility, and bodyweight work first- as it should be, and then gives people the freedom to explore further down each of those modalities- or you can take a left turn and get into some free weight activities. If you’re not lucky enough to train with her in person, her online coaching is your next best bet.

Hunter Cook

Hunter Fitness, Mobility Specialist

I’m very grateful for what I learned during our sessions and my SIJ injury is now well on the way to recovery. My Coach here in London incorporated part of the program I learnt from you. Thank you! I’ve entered a strength competition – Britian’s Strongest Woman – so will drop you a line with a couple of pics from that!

Louise Barron

Since doing your program for the last year at 53 years old I am surfing way better than I was 5 years ago. Surfed Ulus yesterday for 4 hrs and again today at Gunung Praynung for 4 hrs. Did some wind down stretches back in S-resort each day. Surf was above head high on both days. Surfing and feeling great. Thanks yew!

Paul Gimore


My first year training and working with Michelle, and following her injury prevention techniques, was also the year I qualified for the World Tour. This was no coincidence. Surfing with increased strength and flexibility not only allows for better and longer surfs, but more confident surfs and less injuries.

Davey Cathels

WSL Professional Surfer

I’ve noticed major improvement in how my body works and feels. I recently completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training certification and I love incorporating your body weight exercises into my sequencing. I find that your exercises compliment and expand the practice, cultivating mobility and strength in a really holistic way. I’ve seen notable change in the fluidity of my surfing and skating and when climbing, I feel that I can tap into strength and movement that was just not accessible before.

Alisa Petrov

Yoga Teacher

Thank you for the great programs you gave me. I don’t have any pain in my right hip and ITB anymore. For years I have been rolling out my leg and hip, and it would just provide temporary relief. But your programs of isolating the glute and leg muscles has really helped me. I can run now for 30 mins, and I don’t have any pain in my ITB, which I did previously. And I don’t have that dull ache through my right leg that I used to have. It’s wonderful!!

Alicia Pelly

Michelle’s programs and new online training site combine to make a fantastic training resource. Her step by step progressions and balanced approach to movement makes them suitable for those just starting out with their training or recovering from injury, all the way to elite athletes wanting that extra edge. Could not recommend Michelle and her training methods highly enough to anyone wanting to get the most out of their body.

Jess Cunningham

APA Sports Physiotherapist, Olympic Winter Institute of Australia and 2014 Australian Olympic Team Physio for snowboarding Half Pipe and Ski Slopestyle, GWS Giants Movement Specialist, Director of Surf to Summit Clinical Pilates and Physiotherapy.

Michelle has motivated me to improve my physical and mental health, change my outlook on life and make the changes to my career that I always wanted to. Thankyou Michelle for opening my eyes up to life outside of an office with 14 hour days, better nutrition and a more positive view on life.

James Mulcare

Western Sydney Strength & Conditioning

Thankyou to an amazing Coach! Michelle has changed my outlook on life – fitness is fun and strength is empowering. I’m enjoying life so much more.

Tammy Foy

Epic long term client

This is an amazing resource for anyone looking to improve their movement skills and physical attributes that underpin health and wellbeing, and to provide a lifestyle filled with stoke! It starts with inspiration, and Michelle truly inspires and guides you through the progressive strategies to becoming ‘fluid’ in your movement.
Its not just about inspiration however, these training programmes and injury prevention methods are underpinned by experience working with some of the worlds top professional surfers, but also solid foundations in performance science. This online programme will guarantee the development you need to take you to the next level, whatever your goal is.

Duncan French

Vice President of Performance, UFC Performance Institute.

I just returned to surfing on a shortboard after a long period of poor shoulder rehabilitation with pain when paddling. Thanks for helping my injured shoulder Michelle, stoked.

Matt Hillford


Honestly love your philosophy – you’re so inspiring, and yes – the last year or so has totally changed the way my body feels and moves, and you’ve been a big part of that!

Beccy Grist

Fitness Coach