Research-driven Investment Decision Support Platform.

As Featured in:

We help investors and investment advisors make better informed decisions with novel data-driven insight.

LENSELL® democratises access to corporate performance data, state of the art investment technologies and professional-grade investment insight - for all.

To self-directed investors, institutional investors, financial advisors, financial planners, SMSF trustees, accountants and other stakeholders, LENSELL® provides a suite of applications that are easier than manual processes and more efficient than legacy solutions.

Our users analyse and optimise their investment portfolios of mixed investments in minutes, extract financial statements data from annual reports in seconds, and learn about their investments' environmental footprint - all using Australian-made software that is unique on the market.

Our Partners

For Investors

Diversiview - Portfolio Analysis and Optimisation Software

Do better. Gain more from your investments.

Diversiview® is a unique application that allows you to analyse mixed investment portfolios, understand your portfolio risk-return profile and optimise your asset allocation to suit your own risk and return expectation.

Diversiview bridges the gap between trading and tracking, solving the asset allocation problem.

It uses state of the art technology and complex mathematics on top of Nobel-Prize winning financial research to help you optimally allocate your money to your assets and regularly adjust that allocation, for best long term results.

Diversiview works with portfolios comprising any listed securities from the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange), NASDAQ, NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), or BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange), as well as custom investments (wholesale investment funds, cash, investment property and term deposits).

Diversiview is free to use to analyse your portfolio. There is nothing to install or download, and it's available online 24/7.

So, why wait?

TableBits - Tabular Data Extractor

Extract Financial Statements from PDF to CSV, in seconds.

If you're spending hours manually getting data out financial statements, your wait is over! We've built TableBits to solve this problem.

Australian annual company reports have hundreds of pages in PDF. Investors and investment analysts spend 3-4 hours (on average per company) to find the data they need, extract it, and enter it into the analytical model or application of their choice. 

TableBits is a very easy to use online tool that extracts tabular data from PDF directly to CSV.

It's not based on OCR so there is no need to train the tool or select tables manually. Just upload your documents and receive the results.

This way you can focus on more important tasks like data analysis, financial modelling, investment research and anything else that's time well spent.

Polairis - Pollution visualiser

Who is polluting around you?

Each year, over 4000 facilities from companies around Australia report to the Government on over 93 toxic substances that they emit or transfer to air, water or land.

POLAIRIS is a cloud-based application that allows users to search and view polluting facilities all around Australia, and learn more about the toxic substances those facilities emit or transfer.

Users can search by address, by suburb or by company. Detailed reports about polluting facilities are also available.

For Businesses

LEI Registration

Get or Renew a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

Global LEI improve transparency and trust in local or global inter-organisational transactions by uniquely identifying the legal entities entering the transaction. 

Initiated by G20 and FSB after the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, LEI is required and promoted by regulators around the world.

We have partnered with LEI Register OÜ to enable fast, easy and very affordable LEI registrations for Australian entities.