
All Care Physiotherapy

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(07) 3112 7700

TMJ Physio Brisbane

What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint, which is in your jaw. Often, if this joint has been injured or affected in some way, this results in temporomandibular dysfunction or jaw pain. Jaw pain is caused by a variety of factors including dental treatments, accidents and injury.

Commonly, jaw pain symptoms include the feeling of popping, crunching, grating or clicking in your jaw, the jaw becoming locked, or difficulty opening and closing your mouth. You may also experience a toothache (where you have no underlying tooth problems), an earache (where you have no underlying ear problems), tinnitus, ear-popping, or face and eye pain.

brisbane physio treatments tmj - TMJ Physio Brisbane

This type of pain can make it hard to function in day to day life, so it’s important to have it looked at before the problem worsens. Additionally, it’s common to experience headaches with jaw pain, which can make what you’re feeling worse. The TMJ physiotherapists at All Care Physio are able to treat both jaw pain and headaches in conjunction for long-term relief.

How does TMJ physio treat jaw pain?

At All Care Physiotherapy, our specialised physiotherapists use a variety of treatment methods to treat jaw pain.
This also includes a thorough assessment of the neck and back to see if any issues here are contributing to your pain.

In those cases, comprehensive treatment of all the affected areas of your body eliminates the pain for good.

As part of your treatment plan, we will help you to retrain your jaw muscles to be able to eat, drink, speak, and generally open and close the mouth with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”Can TMJ go away on its own?” answer-0=”Sometimes it will, yes. Methods such as minimising stress in your life to reduce clenching your jaw can go a long way to reducing jaw pain. However, if the pain persists, see a professional physiotherapist in Brisbane City for treatment.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”What happens if I don’t get my TMJ treated?” answer-1=”If you don’t get ongoing TMJ or jaw pain treated by a Brisbane City physio, you could experience some symptoms such as lockjaw getting worse. This can also lead to chronic headaches and neck pain if left untreated for long periods of time. ” image-1=”” count=”2″ html=”true” css_class=””]

Come See All Care For TMJ Physio Brisbane

Trust All Care for your TMJ jaw pain physiotherapy needs. We let our years of experience and training take the lead when we assess our clients and develop individual treatment plans. Not only that, our convenient inner-city Brisbane clinic is open across lunchtime and after work hours so that you can get an appointment when you need one. Stop letting jaw pain run your life and come see us today.