Guiding Clients
with Expertise,
Compassion & Care

How We Can Help

How We Can Help

Why Us

We take personal interest in your case from beginning to end. Headed by Director Mary Moloney, our practice is based in the CBD, but we're happy to travel to your home, office or the hospital to discuss your case and provide advice. If we can’t help you, we will do our best to refer you to an expert who can.
Plus, you don't pay our legal fees unless you win your case. ghostwriting

Our Process


Call Us

Call our Principal Solicitor Mary at 1300 861 436 to find out if you need a lawyer. Strict time limits may apply to your case, so don’t delay.


Meet With Us

We will arrange to meet with you in person/over zoom to take a detailed history of your injury.



We will collect evidence on your behalf.



We will wait for your condition to stabilise so we know what to claim for.



We will work with you to attempt to negotiate a settlement.


Settlement or Trial

If unable to negotiate a settlement, we will proceed to a court trial. In reality, few claims reach this step and most are finalised at settlement.

Want to
know more?

Start your free case evaluation now.

To help us best advise you, please fill in the following information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Prefer to chat, call us on 02 9252 8824