Roof Restoration Adelaide


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The Roof Restoration Kings of Adelaide

Wanting to give your tired old-looking roof a new life, then trust your project in the hands of Adelaide’s most professional roof restoration experts. 

With 1000’s completed roof restorations across all of Adelaide, we pride ourselves on differentiating ourselves from the rest. We aim to deliver nothing short of 100% Customer Satisfaction every time all time.

From the first moment you enquire with us to the final completion of the roof restoration we aim to keep you well informed and satisfied all along. Below is an outline of your experience with us.

Roof Restoration Adelaide
Customer Service

Professional Services

Your phone or email enquiry is promptly answered within 10 mins of receipt when received during normal business hours. Our customer service officers will listen to your enquiry, provide a professional solution, and then get some details and prepare you an indicative virtual quote usually provided in the same call.

Expert Estimator

Expert Estimator

Once you are satisfied with proceeding with our virtual quote we will organise for one of our expert estimators to visit your home, usually within 24-48 hours, and provide you with a formal on-site quote. Our estimators are not pushy salesmen, which this industry is full of, but honest professionals looking out for your best interest always. You will be provided a NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE. If you choose to proceed then our estimator will work on completing the paperwork to schedule your job.


Professional Roofers

We only employ the best. All our tradesmen are roofing professionals and are fully OH&S Certified and Insured. We will work in a professional and steady manner ensuring that your roof gets all the proper attention it deserves, and not simply a rushed job.

In Field Quality Inspectors

In Field Quality Inspectors

Throughout the project we have dedicated In Field Quality Inspectors who constantly check on the progress and quality of the work at hand and ensure that you’re fully satisfied with the progress. No job is complete unless it is signed off by our inspectors. This gives you the piece of mind that your job is getting the careful and professional attention it needs.

[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”” front_title=”Step 1″ front_subtitle=”Roof Inspection & Report” back_icon=”%%202%%” back_subtitle=”A customised onsite roof inspection and report which clearly defines what work needs to be done to your roof. This is a free report which we provide.” front_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|||||on|||” front_title_font_size=”25px” front_subtitle_font=”|||||on|||” border_radii_card=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” box_shadow_style_card=”preset1″][/ba_flipbox]
[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”” front_title=”Step 2″ front_subtitle=”Replace broken tiles” back_icon=”%%202%%” back_subtitle=”We will remove and replace all broken tiles.” front_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|||||on|||” front_title_font_size=”25px” front_subtitle_font=”|||||on|||” border_radii_card=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” box_shadow_style_card=”preset1″][/ba_flipbox]
[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”” front_title=”Step 3″ front_subtitle=”Pressure Clean” back_icon=”%%202%%” back_subtitle=”Using our 4000psi pressure cleaning machine we pleasure clean your roof using our exclusive environmentally friendly solution to remove all rot and mould.” front_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|||||on|||” front_title_font_size=”25px” front_subtitle_font=”|||||on|||” border_radii_card=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” box_shadow_style_card=”preset1″][/ba_flipbox]
[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”” front_title=”Step 4″ front_subtitle=”Re-bed & Re-point” back_icon=”%%202%%” back_subtitle=”We will re-bed any loose ridge caps and re-point all mortar cracks which appear with a flexible compound.” front_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|||||on|||” front_title_font_size=”25px” front_subtitle_font=”|||||on|||” border_radii_card=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” box_shadow_style_card=”preset1″][/ba_flipbox]
[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”” front_title=”Step 5″ front_subtitle=”Prime & Seal” back_icon=”%%202%%” back_subtitle=”Apply a water based sealer (undercoat) to your roof to ensure the best possible adhesion of the paint membrane.” front_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|||||on|||” front_title_font_size=”25px” front_subtitle_font=”|||||on|||” border_radii_card=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” box_shadow_style_card=”preset1″][/ba_flipbox]
[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”” front_title=”Step 6″ front_subtitle=”Dulux paint” back_icon=”%%202%%” back_subtitle=”We then apply 2 coats of Dulux paint membrane to your roof for that finishing touch.” front_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|||||on|||” front_title_font_size=”25px” front_subtitle_font=”|||||on|||” border_radii_card=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” box_shadow_style_card=”preset1″][/ba_flipbox]

The Dulux Acratex Roof Paint Membrane System

When we promise to deliver the best quality Roof Restoration in Adelaide we ensure that we partner with none other than the best quality materials. Such is are strong alliance with Dulux Acratex paints. Unlike our other competitors who simply use their own paints or even cheaper less inferior products, the paint system which is utilised ensures that your roof comes out looking stunning and lasts for over 10 years. 

We are so proud of our association with Dulux, that they even warrant our work for 10 years. To be able to earn that privilege you need to be the best roof restoration business in Adelaide. We have been expertly trained by Dulux to ensure that our preparation, sealing and painting are to the highest industry standard and to Dulux standard.

Adelaide’s Best Priced Roof Restoration

Being the King of roof restoration in Adelaide comes with the perks of offering our customers the very best value for money service we can offer. Based on our professional approach, utilising the industry’s best products, and warranty backed work the value guarantee you get from King Group will ensure that you get the best priced roof restoration without any compromise on the quality you demand.

Here is Why We are the Best Priced Roof Restorers In Adelaide

Fixed Price Contract

Fixed Price Contract

We offer a fixed price contract which covers all our work. So no hidden surprises. 

Professionals At Your Service

Professionals At Your Service

We make sure we have the right people for the job with plenty of experience.

Best Price Guarantee

Best Price Guarantee

We offer a price beat guarantee for the same service we offer. So you can be assured that you are always getting the best deal.

Call King Group Australia Roofing Company Sydney


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