Health, Wellness, and Fitness

The Alternate Diet developed as an amalgamation of the principles of several diets and the best of others, resulting in a diet that actually helps you to live a better life
It is not only a diet, but a life style change to assist in losing weight for the long term.

The Alternate Diet allows you to still eat the food you like and enjoy, while you adjust the proportions to benefit your body, your lifestyle and your health.

Everything you need to assist eat healthier is here - all in one place.

Users include individuals, groups and medical professionals, as well as gym owners and their respective personal trainers and nutritionists.

The Alternate Diet Healthy Food Menu

Goals, Routine and Habit Forming

The Alternate Diet is also designed for people who explicitly do not want to have to exercise intensively at a gym or sport but rather enjoy walking or lighter exercise to keep fit.

This methodology helps you to achieve what you want to achieve for the long term and is not a ‘quick fix’ that fits everyone.

The Alternate Diet will assist with access to everything you need, including all Apps and the Web Interface, including Calculators, etc. that you will require.

You will find out why we don’t need a FAT BANK and discover the Proper Portion Sizes and Lifestyle Changes for Success.

For just the cost of a cup of coffee per month, you receive total access to everything - no upgrades or hidden charges.
UPFATE - this is now free access

Included in the Plan you will find:

1. The Four Step Plan to kick-start your healthy living.

We take you step by step through every stage, from setting your correct mindset for success, establishing realistic and attainable goals, planning strategy to achieve your target outcome and implementing your personal plan. The Alternate Diet helps you at every step with the tools, information and encouragement you need to do what you have always wanted to do in terms of reaching your goals.

2. Accountability

Hand in hand with you, The Alternate Diet provides methods, tips and tricks to stay on track whilst on your journey. Learn how to monitor progress and become personally accountable for your growth in knowledge and the maintenance of motivation as you implement the strategies that drive you toward success. These methods will boost your determination and help sustain the staying power you need to succeed.

3. Tools

The Alternate Diet provides all the best tools and calculators you require to set up and maintain your adventure into achieving your desired outcomes. As a self-sufficient program, you will have everything at your fingertips, every day. With this set of tools, you are sure to succeed and to know and realise exactly what you are achieving on a daily basis as you move, smartly towards your desired outcomes.

4. Reporting

Visual representation of progress helps sustain motivation and encourages you along the way, which is why The Alternate Diet includes reporting methods and techniques as a vital part of your program. Use our suggested tools and information to record your journey and give yourself the best chance of success as you see exactly how you are moving towards your goals. Grow in confidence as you view your results.

5. Exercise

Whether or not you want to include exercise to enhance your efforts, learn how to set realistic expectations from adding movement to your diet. Discover the best way for you to improve mobility and fitness as you move towards your ideal weight. Find the joy in being able to move more easily and slowly grow your capabilities as you gain control over your eating habits and embrace your new lifestyle.

6. Nutrition

Nutrition information helps establish what is going to be required as the basis of any diet. Learn the tricks of nutrition and how to avoid sabotaging your efforts through incorrect food choices. Make positive gains towards healthy eating, while still creating easy, tasty dishes for all meals in the day. Discover how you can satisfy your hunger without compromising your diet, every day.


  • Bonus Tips from our experts

  • Meal ideas to help you plan

  • Recipes to kickstart your diet

The Alternate Diet helps you do what you have always wanted to do - to lose weight and stay that way once you are there, no yo-yo-ing.
No need for personal chefs, expensive foodstuffs, complex eating regimes.
No gym memberships - unless you want to join one by choice once you are feeling great!

Educate yourself to eat well but still enjoy your food. Feel confident that an event won't blow out your gains. The Alternate Diet helps you to handle your weight management so you can get on with your life.

If …

  • you have been told to improve your health

  • you are tired of trying and failing

  • you are too busy to follow special diets

Then …

Let The Alternate Diet help you develop an eating plan that will work for you.

Don’t hesitate, start your weight loss journey today