Aaron Chiropractic are your Chiropractors in Bundaberg

Aaron Chiropractic are your local Chiropractors in Bundaberg and have been serving the community for 25+ years from the heart of Bundaberg in the CBD.

Many people choose to see our chiropractors for pain relief of headaches, neck pain, back pain, chronic low back pain, sciatica, postural misalignments, general check-ups and more.

Aaron Chiropractic

At Aaron Chiropractic we pride ourselves on providing convenient and professional Chiropractic care focused on your unique needs and goals.

Whether you are seeking pain relief or preventative care, you can expect our approach to be new and different from any other healthcare experience that you’ve had before.


10 Reasons to Choose Us as Your Trusted Chiropractor

🌟 25+ Years of Trusted Reputation

💆 Unique Chiropractic Approach

🏆 Members Choice Chiropractor Benefits

🎈 Adjustments on First Visit

👥 Multiple Practitioners

👐 Manual & Gentle Options

💳 Bulk Billing for Eligible Medicare (CDM) and DVA

📅 24/7 Online Booking

💰On-the-Spot Health Insurance Claiming

🎓 Quality Care by Licensed Professionals


Chiropractic Care for Everyone

At Aaron Chiropractic we adjust people of all ages and sizes day-in and day-out in our clinics. We work with families & retirees to athletes and pregnancy and everything in between.


Discover A New Generation of Chiropractic

We fuse together the science and the art of Chiropractic to make a solution that is unique. Day in and day out our Chiropractors are adjusting people of all shapes, ages and sizes. We recognize that health requires more than a “one-size fits all approach”. The approach that an 85-year-old with osteoporosis needs is different to that of a 20-year-old tennis player. With skill and expertise our chiropractors will adapt techniques to suit your individual needs for the best possible experience and results with us.


Adjustments On the First Visit

Our Aaron Chiropractic clinics work on relieving your pain right from day one. We understand the importance of providing pain relief as quickly as possible. You can rest assured that you are getting the right Chiropractic techniques at the right time. Whether you are getting your spine adjusted, a shoulder and knee or even your wrist, one of our Chiropractors will conduct a detailed history and examination before moving on to any adjustments to ensure you are safe.

Gentle & Traditional Chiropractic Options

With over 200 different Chiropractic treatments available world-wide our Chiropractors will find the appropriate technique for you. At Aaron Chiropractic our approach is to work with you in finding the right technique for you based on clinical relevance and even your preferences. Our Chiropractors are trained in multiple chiropractic spinal manipulation techniques, so you have the options ranging from the traditional manual “cracking” techniques to the most gentle of approaches.

  • We are on a mission to make quality Chiropractic more affordable for all Australian’s which is why our Aaron Chiropractic clinics are part of the members choice provider network for participating health funds.

    Enjoy the benefits of capped prices so that there are no surprises on your bill, generally lower out of pocket costs than non-members choice providers and great value overall.

    You can also expect quality Chiropractic when visiting our members choice clinic. Members choice providers must meet strict mandatory requirements before becoming recognized. This ensures that patients are provided with a high standard of care.

    Learn how you can save at a members Choice Chiropractor today.

  • Our Aaron Chiropractic networks aim to provide patients and Chiropractors access to some of the best and leading Chiropractic equipment and technologies.

    You can expect greater service, improved diagnosis and better patient outcomes with our adoption of new and advanced technologies.

    New and emerging technologies such as augmented reality technologies are used at Aaron Chiropractic to assist and improve patient assessment and diagnosis.

    Enjoy the benefits of improved adjustments and increased Chiropractic treatment options as our modern clinics are fitted out with state-of-art specialized Chiropractic Omni and Metron tables.

  • As part of our commitment to make quality Chiropractic more affordable for all Australian’s our clinic’s will accept and bulk bill all return adjustment visits for patient with Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) cards and Medicare Enhanced Primary Care Plans (EPC).

    The DVA system is commonly reserved for veterans, former Australian Defense force personal and their dependents. This means that if you hold a DVA White or Gold card you may be eligible for bulk billing Chiropractic care at our clinic.

    Medicare EPC plans can also be used for Chiropractic bulk billing for eligible Australians. If you are eligible, you may be able to access up to five (5) Chiropractic services per patient per calendar year.

    All bulk bill claims are made effortlessly by our team and online so that you don’t have to worry about a thing.

    Learn more about bulk billing today.

  • We understand that you have a busy life and that convenience of care is a must. Thats why we are committed to making the whole process easier for you. This starts before you even enter our clinics. Appointments can be made with your favorite practitioner 24/7 from the comfort of your living room with online booking. If online booking is not for you than we have our friendly team at reception who are happy to take your call during opening hours.

    We understand that when you need help, you need it now. We keep a handful of emergency Chiropractic appointments available for when life gives you the unexpected.

    Claiming rebates and bulk billing Chiropractic is easy with the use of on-the spot claiming through HICAPS terminals.

  • We ensure that you are in safe hands when visiting a chiropractor at Aaron Chiropractic. Our Chiropractors are 5- year University trained and registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).

    Many of our Chiropractors have multiple years of experience and keep up to date with the latest techniques through regular completion of professional development training and seminars.

    Aaron Chiropractic has multiple practitioners in its network which allows for practitioner collaboration and better patient outcomes. Our Chiropractors regularly collaborate together to ensure the best outcomes for even the most complex of patient cases of the musculoskeletal system


Areas We Can Adjust

We provide a wide variety of chiropractic services for spines and joints. The joints we can check and adjust include:

Aaron Chiropractic

Helping You Minimise Pain

Are you ready to start working on the problem? Our Chiropractors are ready to help you get back into what you love doing the most!


Easily Find Your Local Chiropractic Clinic

Aaron Chiropractic Bundaberg

36 Quay Street Bundaberg, 3670

(07) 41531821

Aaron Chiropractic Bundaberg

Quick facts

  • Chiropractors are 5 year university trained to look for and adjust spinal and joint misalignments. Think of Chiropractic adjustments as having a wheel alignment for your body.

  • Improves neck pain: A Chiropractor may relieve your neck pain by realigning your spine and reducing neck tension.

    Ease back pain: Chiropractic care may be a good alternative to invasive procedures like surgery and injections for treating chronic back pain

    Improve joint mobility - Chiropractic care helps to improve joint mobility and reduce stiffness in the spine and body

    High satisfaction: A 2015 study found that overall a group of 544 people in Chiropractic care reported high satisfaction.

    92% of people in the study also reported a reduction in pain and 80% reported an increase in mobility

  • No, when performed correctly Chiropractic adjustments do not have to hurt. Individuals may feel some mild to moderate tenderness up to 48 hours after care.