Medical Aesthetics & Skin Clinics in Brisbane


Your home for youthful, radiant skin


As seen in


Our goal is to empower you

Derm Haus Brisbane is a modern medical aesthetics and skin clinic that aims to empower each person who walks through our doors to help them feel and look their best.

We deliver the latest in aesthetic technologies

Our highly trained Registered Nurses and Dermal Therapists deliver the latest aesthetic technologies and techniques, including cosmetic injectables and advanced and paramedical skincare, for both men and women.

Our treatments are tailored to you

We work with each client to design tailored treatment plans to help overcome aesthetic concerns and achieve your skin goals.

We provide a wide range of skin and injectable treatments, tailored to you.

Cosmetic Clinic and Botox Brisbane

Cosmetic Injectables

Cosmetic injectable treatments can enhance and rejuvenate your appearance while helping to maintain a natural, youthful complexion. We provide a diverse selection of cosmetic injectable treatments to tailored to your specific needs.

Dermal Filler | Anti Wrinkle Injections | Bio-Remodelling | PDO Threads | PRP Therapy | Fat Dissolving Chin

Book a Cosmetic Injectables Consultation


Skin Treatments

We take a holistic approach to healing skin conditions. We address the root cause of your skin concerns and create a personalised skincare plan to help treat your unique skin.

If you’re wanting to treat fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, acne or pigmentation, book a Skin Consultation and our Dermal Therapist will create a personalised treatment plan just for you.

DMK Enzyme Therapy | IPL | Skin Needling | LED Light Therapy | PRP Therapy | Pigmentation Removal | Microdermabrasion | Skin Consultations

Book a Skin Consultation


Anti-Ageing Treatments

Inevitably, our skin changes over time. Thankfully there are a range of non-invasive treatments and preventative measures available to help smooth fine lines, tighten the skin and restore your skin’s youthfulness.

Book a consultation we’ll design a treatment plan just for you!

PDO Threads | Anti Wrinkle Injections | PRP Therapy | DMK Enzyme Therapy | Skin Needling | Bio-Remodelling | IPL

Book a Consultation


 What our clients say

Please note: Under the AHPRA & National Boards β€˜Guidelines for Advertising a Regulated Health Service’, we are not permitted to share testimonials that mention β€˜clinical aspects’ of a patients experience including: symptoms, diagnosis, or outcome.

Need some help? 

Personalised skincare plans for your unique skin with our Skin Consultations 

A Skin Consultation with our Dermal Therapist should be the first step when considering skin treatments and products. 

During an in-depth, 40-minute Skin Consultation, we’ll guide you through a personal skin therapy journey which includes clinical treatments and evidenced-based, in-house product recommendations, tailored to your lifestyle, budget and skin goals.

Learn more about Skin Consultations.