Carpet Cleaning Adelaide

Scheduled and One-Off Cleaning Solutions for Restaurants, Bars, and Other Eateries.


A spotless carpet is a sign of healthy life

Carpet Cleaning Adelaide

Cleaning your carpet consistently is fundamental to safeguard their unique condition and keep up general cleanliness. At Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services, we have a group of carpet cleaners Adelaide who are devoted to giving remarkable carpet cleaning Adelaide services to our clients. Regardless of whether you need your private or commercial carpets & rugs cleaned, we have the best in class gear to convey extraordinary outcomes. With the best scope of synthetic substances, demonstrated methods and propelled cleaning frameworks, we clean and reestablish your carpet to its fresh out of the box new condition.
A dirty carpet harbours dust and other allergens that trigger certain health conditions. Additionally, the state of your carpet portrays a lot about your character to your visitors. As such, you need to keep your carpet clean and in a pristine condition. We offer commercial and home carpet cleaning services in Adelaide. Our team of dedicated cleaners takes control of the situation to give your carpet the care that it so much requires.
Steam  Carpet Cleaning Empty Property Starting From Furnished Property Starting From
One or Two Bedroom $85* $95*
Three Bedrooms $95* $110*
Four  Bedrooms $110* $125*
Lounge/Dining/Living $60* $70*
Hallway / Landing $20* $25*
Cost Per Stair $3.00* $3*
Carpet Protection Services (per sqm) $3.50* $4.50*
Carpet Flea Treatment per room $30* $35*
Commercial Steam Carpet Cleaning $2.0 Per Square Meter $3.0 Per Square Meter

Professional Cleaners, Affordable Services

Carpet Cleaners Adelaide

Get Your Quote Today!

* The above-mentioned prices are only for the steam carpet cleaning. You should need to vacuum before our carpet cleaner’s arrival otherwise we charge you extra $10. Our carpet cleaners also do the tile and grout cleaning. Our charge for tile and grout cleaning starts from $5 Per Square Meter

* Prices are subject to a maximum room size of 14 square meters. Steps are quoted per stair. Our quoted Rates are subject to the condition of the carpet. Difficult stains may incur an extra charge.

*The furniture like sofas, beds, dressers, pianos, grandfather clocks and any other large, heavy or delicate items need to be moved prior to our carpet cleaner’s arrival on the site. It’s not usually included in the quoted price and needs to be arranged for moving ahead of time. It is always recommended that you move all the small items and breakables from the furniture before our carpet cleaners come to the site.

Why Choose Carpet Cleaners Adelaide?

We will Assess Your Carpet 

During our initial survey, we will carry out a complete inspection of your carpets to evaluate its condition, amount of stains and the type of fabric to determine the cleaning methods. We have knowledge of every type of carpet and can get the job done right the first time around.

We Handle Your Carpets With Care

We are familiar with operating the latest carpet cleaning equipment and using the appropriate cleaning method. When mishandled, the carpets could get damaged seriously. We know the value of your carpets and treat them with utmost care. So, you can relax knowing that your carpets have been taken care of and cleaned to the highest standard.

We Treat Tough Stains

No matter how dirty and untidy your carpet looks, we treat it right and make it look beautiful again. As a certified carpet cleaning Adelaide company, we use stronger yet eco-friendly cleaning agents that are hard on stains and friendly to the fabric. We make every effort to reduce our impact on the environment. As a part of our cleaning services, we add a protective treatment on the carpet to prevent stains from setting in.

We Save You Time

When you take a DIY approach to clean the carpets, you have to move the furniture, vacuum all the carpets, spot treat to remove stains and spend a whole day to complete this tiresome job. However, using our professional service means our experienced carpet cleaners Adelaide will take care of everything, saving you time.

We Restore Your Carpet

Apart from removing stubborn stains and dirt, we aim to restore your carpets to its brand new condition and original beauty. We protect your carpets from mold and mildew growth and help to extend their life. With our professional cleaning, your carpets feel and look fresh.

We value all our clients and exceed their expectation, with quality service. Whatever your requirements are, we provide you the best carpet cleaning services in Adelaide. Contact us at 1300 356 397for a free quotation today.

Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services is one of the leading cleaning companies providing the best carpet cleaning in Adelaide and all around Australia. We have professional cleaners who are specialised in providing appropriate carpet cleaning solutions. Our cleaning professionals are trained and experienced to offer services from small offices to large commercial buildings. They will leave you with utmost satisfactory by the exceptional cleaning service. We make use of non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaning products to ensure good health and well-being of our customers. We are available at your convenient timings and our prices are very affordable.

It is important to keep your carpet clean and dirt-free. Especially when there are kids or pets in your home you will have the dirtiest carpets as it is always getting stepped on, spilled on and more. If there is no regular vacuuming or cleaning it may cause various hazards to your health since the bacteria and other allergens embedded into the fibres of the carpet. This should be treated and cleaned by effective carpet cleaning solutions and products. Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services can help you by providing an extensive range of carpet cleaning solutions to have a clean and dirt free indoor environment.

Various methods followed in carpet cleaning:

There are different carpet cleaning Adelaide techniques that are employed by experts in accordance with the place and environment. The following are some common methods of carpet cleaning.

Dry Carpet Cleaning:

Dry carpet cleaning is used to remove the dust and mud that are trapped inside the carpet fibres. A distinctive carpet dry cleaning solutions or products are used in this process. After dry cleaning, your carpets get dry up within an hour. Dry cleaning is a fast and effective carpet cleaning service.

Steam Carpet Cleaning:

During steam carpet cleaning, water with tropical heat is injected into the carpet in high pressure. While extracting it the dirt and soils that are embedded in carpet are removed. Unlike the dry cleaning, it takes more time to dry completely.

Bonnet Carpet Cleaning:

The carpet is completely vacuumed. The warm water with the correct solution is sprayed in the carpet area and cleaned by a heavy duty machine. The carpet’s surface will be perfectly cleaned and brings back the old texture. The cleaning solutions turn into a dry crystal upon drying which can be vacuumed away.

Common stains found in carpets:

The most common problems in having carpet flooring are cleaning and removing stains. These stains can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems due to bad odour and other health issues. Here are some ad-hoc solutions to remove the stains in your carpet.

Coffee stains:

Coffee stains will be found abundant in carpet flooring of offices or living area.  You can use a simple cleaning agent like vinegar and rinse it to get rid of the coffee stains.

Pet stains:

If you have a pet in your home then there is more probability of having stains on your carpet. This pet stains can create a bad odour around the carpeted area. Moistening and gently cleaning the stain periodically will prevent you from the pet stains.

Ink stains:

Whiteboard markers will be used in conferences or meeting, dropping it can leave a stain in your carpet. For removing the Ink stain immediate you use the cloth soaked with dilute alcohol and dab on it.

Blood stains:

Removal of blood stains is a challenging job. You can make you of some hard cleaning agents and rub it on the hard bold stains.

By following this simple cleaning solution, you can avoid having stains in your carpet. These solutions may not work in the carpets which hard stains and a lot of dust and allergens accumulated. In that case, you will have to find the best carpet cleaning company to get your carpet stain free and dust free.

Tips to keep your carpet dirt-free:

Regular vacuuming:

To have a clean indoor environment it is wiser to vacuum your carpet twice a week. The dirt and muds that are trapped inside the carpet will be sucked away by vacuuming and you will have a healthy environment.

Go shoeless:

Avoiding shoes before entering the living area or carpeted area can protect carpets from getting dirt and mud stains. This will help you to maintain the texture and longevity of the carpet.

Avoid spills:

Avoid eating or drinking activities in the carpeted area to protect it from the spills and damage. If you spill something while eating that may turn into a hard stain.

Hiring Professionals:

The professional cleaners who are specialised in carpet cleaning services will provide appropriate cleaning methods to your carpet. So it is wiser to hire a professional cleaning service periodically.

Why hire a Professional carpet cleaning company? :

Carpet needs high maintenance and effective cleaning solutions to retain its texture and increase its lifespan.

Effective cleaning solutions:

The professional cleaning companies who are specialised in carpet cleaning will have effective cleaning solutions for your carpets. The trained and experienced use cleaning agents that suit your carpet’s fabric.

Improved air quality:

The dust and allergens accumulated inside the carpet will create odours and spoils indoor air quality. The periodical vacuuming with special smelling agents will make the place fresh.

Advanced Equipment:

The professional cleaning companies make use of the latest cleaning equipment and tools for outstanding cleaning results.


Generally cleaning rugs or stains demands more time. Whereas, the skilled and experiences cleaners from the rugs cleaning company will provide an effective and time-saving cleaning service.

Cost effective:

The professional cleaning companies provide cleaning services at your doorstep. Even if you employ in-house staffs it will cost higher than hiring a professional cleaning service.

Perks of hiring Sunshine carpet cleaning service:

  • Employ eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Removes dust and allergens
  • Remove stains and spots
  • Extends the lifespan of the carpet
  • Restore the natural texture of the carpet

Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services provides an extensive range of services in addition to carpet cleaning Adelaide services like rugs, mattresses & upholstery cleaning to both residential and commercial clients. For an efficient and eco-friendly cleaning service call us at 044 966 4277. Look at the top reasons that make us your best carpet cleaning option.

Comprehensive Carpet Cleaning

We do not just come to your premises and begin cleaning. First, we assess the kind of material used to make your carpet, check to see whether it has stations, then find the best cleaning option that will restore the carpet to its former state. More so, we use cleaning detergents that prevent mold and mildew from invading your rug; thus, extending its lifespan a bit longer.

Steam Cleaning and Dry-Cleaning Services

When your carpet requires more attention, we opt for steam cleaning. We use some of the latest cleaning equipment to ensure that we provide you with nothing short of perfectionism. We aim at availing services that leave your carpet looking and feeling fresh. On the other hand, if your rug needs routine maintenance check-up, you may want to try our dry-cleaning services. This device gets rid of loose dirt particles on the carpet in an instant, leaving your carpet clean.

Bonnet Cleaning

Are you in a hurry but still want a comprehensive cleaning service? How about asking for our bonnet cleaning services? Our heavy-duty machine will be used to spray water and cleaning detergent. You do not have to wait for hours before your carpet dries off since the cleaning solution crystallizes once the cleaning process is complete. The crystals are then vacuumed into the machine to remove any particles from the carpet.

Stain Removal Services

Have you spilled a drink on your carpet or has your dog done a number on it? Worry not. We specialize in removing various types of stains that include wine, coffee, blood, and ink stains among others. Whether the stain is new or has aged, we use the latest cleaning technology that penetrates your carpet to dislodge the stain.

Same Day Services

You don’t have to wait in line for days to have your carpet cleaned. Directly book our services online, and we will dispatch a team of cleaner immediately to help you out. We understand that quality work results in good reviews and repeat business. Therefore, we ensure that we keep time and do a perfect job. Additionally, we do not take forever to complete the task. We work within the shortest time possible while still availing quality services.

Competitive Prices

Our prices are highly competitive. We avail services that give you value for your money. The amount of cash you pay will depend on the intensity of cleaning that your carpet requires. Occasionally, we offer discounts to our customers as a way of appreciating them for partnering with us to create a cleaner environment.

Contact Location:
Adelaide:1300 356 397
2/445 Anzac Highway, Camden Park, SA 5038

Extensive Cleaning

We do deep extensive for your office spaces to be free from dangerous allergens. Sand, grime, dirt, and air pollutants will be eliminated from your commercial space. You can only receive a refreshing and good smelling office after our service.

Eco-Friendly Products

All our cleaning products are eco-friendly meaning that your family and pets are 100% safe.

Less Water Consumption

Moisture in office carpets may develop microorganisms and produce bad odours if it is not dried properly. As an eco-friendly cleaning service, our procedure consumes less water and your carpet can be dried in one to two hours than drying it for days.

Trustworthy Service

Sunshine Eco Cleaning Services is 100% pet and family benevolent. We utilize just sheltered, approved cleaning arrangements which utilize a huge number of little-carbonated bubbles rather than brutal synthetic compounds or cleansers.


We provide the best and affordable commercial cleaning service all over the Gold Coast. No other cleaning service will offer exceptional cleaning services at the price that we offer. Our cleaning servicess fit under your budget, without the need to spend more.

Flexibile Schedule

We are flexible to work at a convenient time for the customers & offer extensive service at very reasonable prices. We make use of eco-friendly products to ensure the good health and well-being of our customers. Call us at 1300 356 397 and get a free quote today.

The Sunshine Eco Difference